Non-Functional Landing Page

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Non-Functional Landing Page

Ads must not direct people to non-functional landing (destination) pages. This includes landing page content that interferes with a person’s ability to navigate away from the page.


Advertisers can run ads on Meta directing people to a specific landing page as long as that page is functional, accessible and accurately reflects the product being advertised. A landing page is the destination URL that someone is sent to immediately after they click an ad.


Functionality guidelines

When running ads that direct people to a landing page, advertisers will need to make sure that it is accessible. This means:

  • Link is fully functional and doesn’t lead people to a page still under construction or an error page
  • Landing page functions properly and can be accessed by Meta ad review regardless of any geographic IP restrictions
  • Landing page doesn’t have warnings about the security of the site
  • Landing page doesn’t require someone to download unexpected programs or software to access content
  • Landing page cannot be a PDF or JPEG file

Interference guidelines

When running ads that direct people to a landing page, advertisers will need to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with someone’s ability to navigate to the page. This means that there are no:

  • Irrelevant pop-ups that appear when a person attempts to leave the landing page, also referred to as trapping
  • Automatic downloads triggered when a person opens the landing page
  • Auto-redirects that take a person to a completely different landing page

Consistency guidelines

When running ads that direct people to a landing page, advertisers will need to make sure that it matches the product or service in the ad. This means:

  • Relevant content is visible without multiple clicks
  • Landing page isn’t a user profile, such as “”
  • Landing page isn’t “”
  • Landing page contains content and isn’t blank
  • Landing page matches the product or service promoted in the ad

Additional actions guidelines

When running ads that direct people to a landing page, advertisers will need to make sure people aren’t required to take additional actions on Meta technologies before they can access the relevant content. This includes:

  • Ads or landing pages that require people to perform actions on Meta technologies, such as liking or sharing a Facebook post
  • Ads that direct people to a closed or secret Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp destination without the relevant content displayed

Note: Landing pages with subscription or sign-in requirements to access the relevant content are allowed.


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