Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Sensational Content

Ads must not contain shocking, sensational or excessively violent content.

This policy provides additional protections for people who use our technologies beyond what is prohibited in the Community Standards’ Violent and Graphic Content policy. For example, content that has been deemed sensitive or disturbing is not eligible to run in ads. Advertisers can’t run ads that include shocking, sensational or excessively violent content. People have different sensitivities to graphic and violent content. Images and videos should be relevant and avoid shocking or scaring people to grab their attention.


Ads can’t:

  • Shock, scare or disgust. This includes but is not limited to imagery that shows:
  • Mutilation
  • Fetuses that show dismemberment
  • Human body waste
  • Graphic details of hygiene or grooming, such as pimple popping
  • Non-medical foreign objects, such as metal objects, knives, nails, involuntarily inserted or stuck into people causing grievous injury
  • Animal innards or dismemberment, except in generic food processing
  • Rotting or decomposition
  • Graphic crime scenes or accidents
  • Focus on graphic violence or torture. This includes but is not limited to imagery that shows:
  • Acts of torture committed against self or others
  • Abuse of animals
  • Highlight suffering. This includes but is not limited to imagery that shows:
  • Violent death or life-threatening event
  • Visible distress from an accident or medical procedure or law enforcement
  • Suffering of animals in hunting context
  • Depict the brandishing of firearms. This includes but is not limited to content that:
  • Shows a firearm being pointed at the viewer
  • Implies the use of a firearm, such as cocking a firearm

For tips on how to comply with this policy, visit the Business Help Center.

Universal entry point

We have an option to report, whether it’s on a post, a comment, a story, a message or something else.

Get started

We help people report things that they don’t think should be on our platform.

Select a problem

We ask people to tell us more about what’s wrong. This helps us send the report to the right place.

Report submitted

After these steps, we submit the report. We also lay out what people should expect next.

Post-report communication
Update via notifications

After we’ve reviewed the report, we’ll send the reporting user a notification.

More detail in the Support Inbox

We’ll share more details about our review decision in the Support Inbox. We’ll notify people that this information is there and send them a link to it.

Appeal option

If people think we got the decision wrong, they can request another review.

Post-appeal communication

We’ll send a final response after we’ve re-reviewed the content, again to the Support Inbox.

Takedown experience
Immediate notification

When someone posts something that doesn't follow our rules, we’ll tell them.

Additional context

We’ll also address common misperceptions and explain why we made the decision to enforce.

Policy Explanation

We’ll give people easy-to-understand explanations about the relevant rule.

Option for review

If people disagree with the decision, they can ask for another review and provide more information.

Final decision

We set expectations about what will happen after the review has been submitted.

Warning screens
Warning screens in context

We cover certain content in News Feed and other surfaces, so people can choose whether to see it.

More information

In this example, we give more context on why we’ve covered the photo with more context from independent fact-checkers


We have the same policies around the world, for everyone on Facebook.

Review teams

Our global team of over 15,000 reviewers work every day to keep people on Facebook safe.

Stakeholder engagement

Outside experts, academics, NGOs and policymakers help inform the Facebook Community Standards.