Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Unrealistic Outcomes

Ads must not contain promises or suggestions of unrealistic outcomes as specified below for health, weight loss, or economic opportunity.


In addition to our Misinformation policy, we restrict a narrow and predetermined set of claims, listed in the Guidelines below, in ads for economic opportunities, health products and services, the recruitment of litigants, and conversion therapy.

Claims other than those identified specifically in this policy’s Guidelines are still subject to our Community Standards and our advertising policy on Misinformation.

This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Claims of unrealistic results within specific timeframes
  • Promoting exaggerated or deceptive claims related to pursuing legal action
  • Claims of cures for incurable diseases
  • Promoting claims to change or suppress someone’s sexual orientation, or to suppress someone’s gender identity

Ads can't promote:

Unrealistic employment opportunities

  • Content promising or suggesting unrealistic employment opportunities. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Guarantees or promises of employment, financial gain, or other benefits without information on the specific job or title, responsibilities, requirements, or risks.
  • Requirements that a person provides an initial payment or personal financial account information for employment consideration. Note that the requirement of an initial application fee is allowed.
  • Misleading business models. Ads promoting income opportunities must fully describe the associated product or business model, and must not promote business models offering quick compensation for little investment, including multi-level marketing opportunities.
  • Unrealistic enticement claims. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Claims that a person can become rich quickly
  • Claims that little to no work is necessary to make money
  • General enticements without listing any details on the role, responsibilities or qualifications
  • Vague job or income opportunities.

Unrealistic health claims

  • Unrealistic health claims or guarantees. This includes but is not limited to:
  • False claims about disease treatment. Claims to cure, heal or eliminate incurable diseases or terminal illnesses
  • Specific claims without including qualifying or disclaimer language. Claims or testimonials that promote specific results or outcomes with no qualifying or disclaimer language
  • Click-bait tactics. Content that employs click-bait tactics, such as the use of sensational language

Deceptive recruitment of litigants

  • The recruitment of people to participate in class action lawsuits, with text or images that show:
  • Deceptive content, such as posing as a government entity or a news outlet
  • Sensationalist content, such as using alarmist or urgent language or depicting sensational imagery like hospitalization
  • Exaggerated claims, such as promoting unjustified expectations for people regarding potential health risks, financial compensation or litigant outcomes

Conversion Therapy

  • Conversion therapy products or services. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Products aimed at offering or facilitating conversion therapy such as books, apps or audiobooks
  • Services aimed at offering or facilitating conversion therapy such as talk therapy, conversion ministries or clinical therapy
  • Testimonials of conversion therapy, specifically when posted or boosted by organizations that arrange and provide such services.

Ads can promote:

  • Work-from-home, investments, trading, webinar or other employment opportunities as long as they give adequate details on the role and contain no unrealistic claims or enticements
  • Personal experiences of conversion therapy in the form of testimonials, as long as they aren’t associated with entities that organize and provide such services
  • Content, including testimonials, condemning conversion therapy services
  • Therapy groups and other activities aimed at healing individuals who have suffered as a result of conversion therapy
  • Support for rules around the issue of conversion therapy


Deceptive Employment Opportunities:

“Be your own boss”

“Make $1,000 every month”

Misleading Health Claims:

“Lose 5% of your body weight in a month!”

“1 crazy tip to lose weight!”

Misleading Recruitment of Litigants:

Sensationalist content, such as “Cancer ALERT!”, “Breaking News!” “Warning!” or “Time is limited!”


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