Tobacco and Related Product

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Current version

Jul 10, 2023

Tobacco and Related Products

Ads must not promote the sale or use of tobacco or nicotine products and related paraphernalia. Ads must not promote delivery devices, such as electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, or any other products that simulate smoking or are otherwise designed for use with tobacco or nicotine products. Ads may promote cessation products approved by either the World Health Organization or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and must comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes and guidelines.


Advertisers can’t run ads that promote the sale or use of tobacco or nicotine products or related paraphernalia, including but not limited to: electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, heated tobacco products or other products that simulate smoking. These products present known health risks and are potentially harmful to people. Advertisers can run ads that promote nicotine cessation products that are approved by the World Health Organization or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as long as they are targeted to people 18 years or older and comply with applicable local laws, required or established industry codes and guidelines.


Ads can’t:

  • Promote the sale or use of tobacco or tobacco-related products, including:
  • Cigarettes and cigars, smokeless tobacco, and pipe tobacco.
  • Electronic nicotine delivery system products, such as e-cigarettes, vaporizers and heating devices for tobacco and nicotine, including vape pens and vape oils/cartridges.
  • Nicotine pouches.
  • Tobacco pipes, rolling papers, hookahs and filters.
  • Hookah lounges and cigar bars.
  • Promote the sale or use of products that simulate smoking, such as vapes, including products that don’t contain tobacco or nicotine.
  • Portray consumption of tobacco or related products where the primary focus of the ad is tobacco usage.
  • Promote tobacco brands.

Ads can:

  • Promote smoking and tobacco cessation services and products approved by either the World Health Organization or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as long as they target people 18 years or older. Note that promoting vapes is not allowed in any context.
  • Promote anti-smoking campaigns and e-books, counseling services for smoking addiction, and smoking rehabilitation programs or facilities.
  • Promote blogs or groups connecting people with tobacco-related interests, as long as the service doesn’t lead to the sale of tobacco or tobacco-related products.


An image alt text

This image is compliant because it promotes an anti-smoking campaign.


"Buy cigarettes and e-cigarettes here today!"

An image alt text

This image promotes an e-cigarette and is non-compliant.

An image alt text

This image shows hookah pipe imagery and is non-compliant.


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