Cosmetic Procedures and Wellness

Policy details

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Current version

Cosmetic Procedures and Wellness

Ads marketing weight loss products and services must be targeted to people at least 18 years or older.
Ads marketing cosmetic surgeries and procedures must be targeted to people at least 18 years or older.
Ads marketing dietary, health or herbal supplements must be targeted to people at least 18 years or older.


Advertisers can run ads that promote cosmetic procedures or wellness products and services as long as they only target people 18 years or older.


When targeting people 18 years or older, advertisers can run ads that promote:

  • Weight loss products and services
  • Dietary, health or herbal supplements, such as vitamins and other ingestible dietary products
  • Cosmetic surgeries and procedures, such as:
  • Breast augmentation, breast reduction, abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, rhytidectomy, labiaplasty, hair restoration surgery, dermal fillers, skin rejuvenation treatments, injectable treatments, chemical peels, micro-needling, non-ablative laser treatments, laser or light treatments, or micropigmentation
  • Gender reassignment services and procedures

The targeting restrictions above don’t apply to ads that promote or sell:

  • Products and services marketed for general wellbeing
  • General food products
  • Cosmetic products such as creams, makeup and hair products


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